Friday 29 July 2011

Girl Love - Siouxsie Sioux

So I only discovered Siouxsie and the Banshees yesterday! But I already have a tremendous amount of respect for the frontwoman Siouxsie.

 After watching a Queens of Pop documentary focused on Siouxsie I learned how extraordinarily talented and inspiring this woman is. She is the Queen of goth. She invented her own style and her voice is..... wow.


Sorry. I really can't help it. This woman does things to me......


I remember first discovering Hyper Crush through EV and UVS in like 2009, and thinking "WTF are they for real?" I didn't really know if it was a joke or not HAHA! I thought their video for Robo Tech and the lyrics and stuff was so weird and.... urgh, even if the beats were catchy. So i quickly shut it and stopped listening to them. Then i thought about listening to them again a few days or weeks later. And stuck with it a bit longer and I'm SO glad I did! I LOVE these guys now. Donny, Preston and Holly. They became my new jam. I downloaded the whole of The Arcade and their Mixtape Vol. 2 and loved it.
After a while though I went out of my electro phase and only a few HC songs remained on my ipod and were hardly ever listened to. But then a few weeks ago i remembered them (AFTER HAVING A REALLY WEIRD DREAM WITH THEM IN IT) and listened to The Future again AND re-fell in love with them ahahah! And i realised I had never really given the boys a proper look, but now I have I realise Donny is a pretty sexy dude :P So yeah. New songs coming out, and they are all awesome. Preston is awesome, mah gurl Holly is beautiful, Donny is so sexy. THESE GUYS ARE AWESOME.


Friday 15 July 2011

My formal is a week from now. Slowly getting more excited...but so muhc drama is happening... oh well. I have an assignment due Monday... umm like nothing else is happening till after the formal. I don't want it to be over... that means we have nothing else to look forward to during schoool :(

Saturday 9 July 2011


Happy birthday you amazing, incredible, sexy, gorgeous, beautiful, talented, fuckin.... AMAZING man GOD.
My life is boring.
Went to a friends for a sleepover last night, it was fun :) We watched Saw II and Saw III, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. And then we talked about Criminal Minds, Bones etc. and Jack the Ripper and crimes hahaa! she was texting one of her friends and he was like "So you girls having a fun slumber party in your pjs watching chic flicks" and we were like "HA! More like talking abut dead people watching horror movies"..... apparently we aren't typical chics :P
BUT i have school tomorrow... that's what makes my life boring. My sleepover was probably the most exciting part of the holidays! how sad.... oh well... I still need more sleep :(

Saturday 2 July 2011

These holidays suck. I mean seriously, I'm so bored I'm ACTUALLY doing my biology assignment. The reproductive system... yay.

Friday 1 July 2011

Girl Love - Kerli

GOD I love this girl. I found out about her when people on the Gaga forums compared Gaga to her back in 2008. Then I started listening to her (the only thing they really have in common is blonde hair and pop music) This blonde-haired beauty from Estonia is cute, fresh, amazingly talented and inspiring.

Her music is unique and a mixture of dark and powerful with fresh quirky and beautiful. She has such a beautiful voice and really puts everything into her music.

Her style is AWESOME. She calls it "Bubblegoth" with I think fits perfectly. She always brings in aspects of both dark and light, like black clothes with colourful accessories. And her hair, GAH, she's actually made me wanna bleach my hair and dye it fun cotton candy colours! (I am SO not going to... but I would if i completely reinvent myself or something.

Also her views and stuff. She supports LGBT rights and has the same views on religion as me. Also her whole "Moonchild" fan group. A Moonshild is - "One who belongs to a community of intergrity, love and unity." It's so sweet and smart, fighting for love with love and building an ARMY OF LOVE. 

Kerli is one gorgeous, talented and inspiring girl.